Explain anything that you would change in the building to make it more appropriate or innovative for the time period.

For this assignment you are to research a place of worship for any religion in any of the styles that we discuss in this class OR for any religion that was in existence or begun before the year 1400. You must turn in a 800 word paper with MLA formatting and all sources properly cited. […]

Inductively study the given passage. Be sure to pay attention to the specific instructions for each section in the templates so that the answers provided are correct, complete and sufficiently detailed.

Bible Study Project Assignment During this project, the student will complete four assignments using the techniques of observation, interpretation, correlation, and application. These are the four components of inductive Bible study outlined in Everyday Bible Study. Among other things, the student will examine a given passage of Scripture, consult various Bible study tools, and employ […]

Briefly describe the context of the story in its biblical setting and explain how the Reading Guide material helped clarify the topic.

This is a disscusion board answers the questions within the details I have provided. All posts must fall between 125-175 words, not counting bibliographic material. All posts must utilize at least one, in-text quotation with appropriate citation that demonstrates mastery of relevant vocabulary and concepts. A citation is a way to identify where you are […]

Does separation of church and state truly exist in this country? Tell me your reasons why or why not. Is the first amendment a religious statement, a political statement, or both?

The Readings: 1. World Religions: The Great Faiths Explained and Explored (WR): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lvBvpHfPbL7jICXKP… 2. World Religions in America(WRAm): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XShPvmnN386TOC1aS… Readings/Discussion Board Questions Enabled: Statistics Tracking READINGS WR The Golden Rule What is Religion? Ancient Religions Native Religions WRAm Native Americans and their Religion Religion and Politics in America Religion and Society in America Questions 1. […]

In what ways does the story of Superman’s creators, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, reflect the American Jewish experience of the 1930s and 40s? How do the stories of Superman, Siegel, and Shuster exemplify the complex issues of Jewish identity that we’ve read about in the past few weeks?

Engaging an Object Read the brief article “Superman: From Cleveland to Krypton” at myjewishlearning.com, then read #10 and #11 in the Comic Book Resource article “Punch a Nazi: 15 Times Superheroes Fought Fascism.” In what ways does the story of Superman’s creators, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, reflect the American Jewish experience of the 1930s […]

What challenge does Frankl’s work pose to a modern audience? What core values are expressed in his “three ways to find meaning”? What is the connection between his work as a psychologist and his status as a concentration camp survivor?

Engaging a Text Read the selections from Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, a Holocaust survivor and psychologist. The first half of the book is his testimony, the second half is an introduction to the form of therapy he developed call Logotherapy. Then, watch this brief interview of Frankl titled Viktor Frankl: Our Need […]

What about Paula’s story stands out to you? What are her view of the past and her survival? Of the role of humankind and God in the Shoah? What is her message for you today and for future generations?

Engaging a Practice For many years after the Shoah, few survivors spoke publicly about their stories. That changed in the mid-1990s, when Steven Spielberg founded what is now known as the USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education, an organization that orchestrated the audio-visual recording of over 52,000 survivors worldwide. Since […]

Analyse critically the main internal and external factors that led to the emergence and success of the Ottoman Empire.

Analyse critically the main internal and external factors that led to the emergence and success of the Ottoman Empire. An essay is a written response to a question or statement. This response requires an in-depth exploration of a specific topic. Essays assess your ability to see relationships between concepts. In an essay, you are expected […]

What do we know about their racial or socioeconomic make-up? Do we know about anything that has been happening in the life of the audience?

Historical Setting Analysis Purpose: To practice reconstructing the setting of a New Testament letter. For this assignment, you will research the historical setting for Paul’s letter to the Romans. Your research should include the following steps: Read through the letter, cataloguing any information you find about the author, audience, or purpose/setting of the letter. Pay […]

Discuss key theories or terms employed within this discipline.Overview the method’s primary thinkers; and, lastly.

Exercise 1: How to Study Religion Drawing on the course readings, choose something like the psychology of religion, the sociology of religion, the anthropology of religion, or critical theory and religion and write a 1-page summary and analysis of this approach. (1) give a brief overview of the approach; (2) discuss key theories or terms […]

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