Identify a public policy issue or an action-forcing incident that represents an inadequacy in current government policy.

Description There are four major challenges facing the next president, whether Donald Trump remains in office or Joe Biden replaces him as the 46th president of the United States. The year 2020 has seen an unprecedented number of catastrophic events, including a worldwide pandemic that has taken close to 200,000 American lives and a record […]

Discuss the importance of Pastoral Care and the factors with church administration.

Discuss the importance of Pastoral Care and the factors with church administration. The respective congregational contexts and conduct in-depth research on pertinent and contemporary aspects of said topic, culminating in a 7-10-page research paper or project (excluding title, bibliography. Papers must include (and cite) at least five appropriate sources and must include implications for parish/church […]

Politics and Administration are so intertwined that it is not possible to separate them in the management of public organization. Do you agree with this statement? Provide evidence to support your position.

Politics and Administration are so intertwined that it is not possible to separate them in the management of public organization. Do you agree with this statement? Provide evidence to support your position.

Why Is the Trump Administration Banning TikTok and WeChat?Discuss

Description Decide which statement your group wishes to discuss. Publish your first original post that supports the statement. The statements for the discussion are: Facebook has been removing or tagging far to many posts and needs to back off! The U.S. government was correct in blocking the popular TikTok app. Reply to another student’s post […]

What do you predict the frame effect of this story would be for those who read it? What are readers more likely to think about health care based on this example?Discuss

A new report outlining a blueprint for fixing New Hampshire’s health care system was released today by the Endowment for Health’s “Pillars Project,” a group of citizens and experts who have studied the issue since last year. According to “Stepping Up to the Future – a Healthier Health Care System for New Hampshire,” it will […]

Write a 2-page letter, as a business owner, to the current administration and to the district attorney in your county explaining why you will: Continue to support the administration and the law enforcement in your borough/county with your $100,000 donation. Explain why you support how the police handled the arrest of George Floyd.

Description You are a business owner with a net worth of $10 million dollars. In addition to running a very successful company, you also habitually donate $100,000 to presidential political campaigns. Write a 2-page letter, as a business owner, to the current administration and to the district attorney in your county explaining why you will: […]

If you were called upon to make recommendations to Congress for exercising better oversight and stronger influence over the agencies, what would you suggest?Discuss

Description Students are expected to prepare 1 page concise written response to the question posed. Use correct grammar and spelling. Also, use APA style for your references. Assignment Question # 6 (1 Page) Students are expected to prepare 1 page concise written response to the question posed. Congress appears to have ample constitutional authority and […]

What are the top three driving factors for the national security strategies for each report? Is there overlap and if so, what differentiates the two?Explain

The United States has long served in the role of a world superpower. In this role, there is a level of military force that is expected from a superpower. As the U.S. has evolved over time, there is a thought that it is an inherent need to continue projecting this force, via state-of-the-art technology or […]

What circumstances make a new approach advisable or necessary?:Discuss the alternatives to the current policy option by enumerating and explaining each policy option in turn.

Instructions for Paper Paper Format Some variation may occur depending on the topic of the paper and the research methods being used. The length of the policy paper should be 15-20 pages, not including references and appendices. Since the paper must be well documented and make use of quality data, all papers should have appendices. […]

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