Compare and contrast these two thinkers and their reflections on change. How does John Locke’s vision of individual rights, rights of rebellion, and the right to appropriate nature with our labor square with Edmund Burke’s reaction to the revolutionary upheavals in 18th century France, his opinions on the American Revolution, his attitude towards tradition, common sense, and his wariness of philosophical systems?

Description Paper Prompt: It is often said that our only constant is change. Things are always changing and in flux. This semester we have read two theorists of change. John Locke outlined a radical liberal vision of individual rights and rights of rebellion that were perhaps most forcefully manifested in the American and French revolutions […]

Compare and contrast American and French Revolutions.

Description Compare and contrast American and French Revolutions. Compare and contrast two of the following revolutions by assessing their nature, impact, and importance on the modern world: American (1775-1783) French (1789-1799) Mexican (1910-1920) Cuban (1956-1959) In what specific ways were they similar? How were they different? How influential were these revolutions on world history? What […]

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