Explain how the law and policy could be used to enable the person and their family to gain a better quality of living.

1 – Young Person: Jessica Jessica left home at 16 to live with her boyfriend, as she was having problems at home. She is now 17 and the relationship has now broken down, and her boyfriend has kicked her out. Her parents say that they do not want her to come back home. This means […]

What was the woman’s state as a human being? Describe what you read? Does it make you feel compassionate? Is he trying to tell us something about those people “not seen” in society?

Read the introduction and underline passages before answering the questions 1-Look up the word “Macabbees” 2-why is it a “state of emergency”? (in the dedication by the author) 3-What stood as strange to you, from the dedication of the author to the title and the structure of the story? 4-Write down 4 quotes that fall […]

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