Explore in detail an aspect of nursing practice based on a case study.Demonstrate an understanding of the different types of evidence underpinning nursing practice and healthcare service delivery.

Task description; This task will require you to explore in detail an aspect of nursing practice based on a provided case study. The nursing practice will be explored from an organisational, nursing staff, and client perspective. As part of this task, you will be required to use research and evidence commonly used to evaluate healthcare […]

Do you agree with the premise of this op ed, that Jesus was the first psychiatrist? Explain and support your opinion.

This op ed for Fox News opens with, “Recently, many people who have e-mailed me asking whether there are parallels between God’s teachings and the field of psychiatry and psychology.” What parallels do you see? The article states that “people suffer to the extent that they are removed from the truth. People are healed to […]

Students will reflect upon clinical situations. Describe what happened, what was the significant event? Feelings: Describe what you were thinking and feeling? Discuss how your knowledge base and aspects of the significant event contributed to these thoughts and feelings? Evaluation: Explain what was positive and negative about the experience based on the impact it had […]

Identify clinical areas of interest and inquiry Is there a difference between “common practice” and “best practice”?

Assignment: Evidence-Based Project Is there a difference between “common practice” and “best practice”? When you first went to work for your current organization, experienced colleagues may have shared with you details about processes and procedures. Perhaps you even attended an orientation session to brief you on these matters. As a “rookie,” you likely kept the […]

Discuss the efficacy of play therapy in working with abused children and adolescents (use text and at least three articles to support your work

Scholarly Dialogue & Interactive Clinical Activity Discussion Question 1: Discuss the efficacy of play therapy in working with abused children and adolescents (use text and at least three articles to support your work) attach reference list. Discussion 2: Briefly discuss the tenets of attachment theory. Must be support with three scholarly sources. Attach reference list.

Write a brief 2-3-page critical essay paper summarizing the two research studies. This paper should be written in standard American English with proper grammar and spelling.

1. Choose a nursing sensitive topic from the list below. Go to the University library and conduct a search of the literature and find 2 scholarly primary research reports that relate to the clinical topic you chose. List of 13 nurse-sensitive outcomes: Nursing Hours per Patient Day. Nursing Turnover. Nosocomial Infections. Patient Falls. Patient Falls […]

Introduce a clinical problem and the clinical context that led you to identify the clinical question:discuss the potential benefits and challenges of addressing the clinical question in the local setting, and explore the larger contextual impact related to this problem.

Background and Significance paper (5- pages) with 5 Articles in a Matrix or EBP Summary Tables .The background and significance (B&S) paper is a five (5) page paper in APA format (excluding title page, abstract, references and appendices) that could form the introductory section of your clinical scholarly project. The B&S will introduce a clinical […]

Write one to two paragraphs describing the nursing clinical practice problem:Discuss why the problem is significant to nursing practice.

APA Style Requirements * Included a student title page and reference list * Used 1-inch margins * Used 11 or 12-point font, Times new roman * Double-spaced title page, text, and reference list * Used Level 1 Headings for title and section headings (Method/Research design, Population and Sample, Data collection and measurement, Procedures, Results/Data analysis, […]

Define clinical significance, and explain the difference between clinical and statistical significance. How can you use clinical significance to support positive outcomes in your project?

Not all EBP projects result in statistically significant results. Define clinical significance, and explain the difference between clinical and statistical significance. How can you use clinical significance to support positive outcomes in your project?

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