Conduct research on unethical business practices that corporations have been accused of, or found guilty of doing.

International Business: Ethics Assignment So far, we have seen many benefits of international business to consumers, governments/economies and the corporations themselves. Ethics deals with right and wrong; not necessarily legal and illegal. As we have discussed in class, different countries have varying cultures and laws that stem from them. As discussed in class, an international […]

Derive AF, the forward loop voltage gain, for this circuit. (b) What is AF if R3 >> R4 and if R3 = 0?

1. This is a large-signal problem. Consider the op-amp(s) to be ideal. 0 V R, (a) Derive AF, the forward loop voltage gain, for this circuit. (b) What is AF if R3 >> R4 and if R3 = 0? (c) Plot the magnitude of Vout vs. R3. Make sure to include the cases from (b) […]

Derive Av for this RC circuit. Try to simplify it to where the numerator and denominator are polynomials of co.

This is a Bode plot problem. 20 loglAv I (a) Derive Av for this RC circuit. Try to simplify it to where the numerator and denominator are polynomials of co. (b) Plot the Bode plot for Av. (c) Take the limits for Av under the following conditions: R0 0,121 0

Why is author writing this article? What does author want to say? What are the author’s key points? What are the results, the findings? What are the conclusions? What does the author say about his/her findings?

Modern social work values Review Paper of Journal Article: Racovita-Szilagyi & Diaconu (2016). Biblical Foundations of Modern Social Work Values and Practice Competencies. The Journal of Biblical Foundations of Faith and Learning, 1, 1-20. Requirements: Obtain article through Google search. Read article and use these guidelines in your review: In the introduction: What is the […]

Describe how you have implemented one of the leadership styles that you learned in this module and the results that you produced. Feel free to use your job-related experience, or also feel free to use any other ideas that you may have thought of during Drew Dudley’s “Everyday Leadership” Ted Talk that you watched.

Create a Professional Cover Letter to Respond to the following Job Posting: WANTED: A  leader to lead our growing company. Salary commensurate with experience. Coverletter must discuss your leadership style and include examples of how you have used that leadership style to achieve tangible results. Cover Letter Instructions Write a cover letter for this job […]

Explain how you applied your advanced knowledge/skills learned in your HOA courses this last year in your Spring 2023 internship.

Submit a 2-3 page summary of your internship experience that includes the following points: Explain how you applied your advanced knowledge/skills learned in your HOA courses this last year in your Spring 2023 internship. Highlight the different activities you participated in during your internship and what you learned: team meetings, shadowing experiences, mentors that guided […]

Prepare the paid-in capital portion of the stockholders’ equity section at December 31, 2021.

MAISTYLE CORPORATION Balance Sheet (partial) Stockholders’ equity Paid-in capital Preferred stock, cumulative, 10,000 shares authorized, 6,000 shares issued and outstanding $900,000 Common stock, no par; 750,000 shares authorized, 600,000 shares issued 1,800,000 Total paid-in capital 2,700,000 Retained earnings 1,158,000 Total paid-in capital and retained earnings 3,858,000 Less: Treasury stock (8,000 common shares) (32,000) Total stockholders’ […]

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