What are the reasons for the disagreements?

Marx/Pope Reflection You have read Marx, Communist Manifesto and parts (paragraphs 1-22 of Pope Leo XIII encyclical Rerum Novarum. Now write a reflection on the following questions: 1. On what do Marx and the Pope agree – identify 2 points or issues. 2. On what do they disagree – again 2 points or issues. 3. […]

How might you convince them of the merits of Marx’s ideas with more contemporary terminology?

Writing Exercise #1: Write a wiki-style entry of approximately 500 words based on the assigned reading from the Communist Manifesto—"Chapter I. Bourgeois and Proletarians”—using more contemporary wording. Imagine that you are describing this manifesto for your peers today who are interested in understanding class struggle. How might you convince them of the merits of Marx’s […]

Consider the historical details of the Russian Revolution, Lenin’s leadership, and the Russian Civil War in Gellately’s Lenin, Stalin, Hitler (pgs. 21-77). Discuss one or two ways in which Lenin and the Bolsheviks followed the revolutionary guidelines set out in Marx and Engel’s Communist Manifesto.

Answer the question below with a 500-700 word essay (roughly 2 to 4 printed pages, 12-point font, double spaced, not including “Works Cited” page). Write using sentences and paragraphs; do not write in point form or in rough. Answer the following two-part question on Marx and Engels’ Communist Manifesto (be sure to answer BOTH sections): […]

In chapter 1 of the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels write a rather awe-inspired analysis and critique of industrial capitalism.Note that while some of the analysis within the chapter does strike a reverent tone,critique largely focuses on the ways in which capitalism has upset or undone the social status quo that prevailed from the Middle Ages in Europe and the feudal period. But, what if they were alive today?Explain

In chapter 1 of the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels write a rather awe-inspired analysis and critique of industrial capitalism. Note that while some of the analysis within the chapter does strike a reverent tone (e.g. noting the specific accomplishments of capitalism on a national or global scale), their critique largely focuses on the ways […]

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