Read the case prompts above. For each case, brainstorm a list of clarifying questions you might ask at the beginning of an interview.

The Case Prompt Prompt When receiving a case prompt, the most important thing is to ensure you understand what is being asked. You are not only allowed to ask questions, but are absolutely expected to ask clarifying questions. These questions should be used to ensure you are aligned on the objective, target, and timeline of […]

Describe the Impact of labour cost as an economic factor of business environment on business profitability in private healthcare sector in UAE (.

Topic: Understanding the effect of implementation of jobs outlook analysis on company profitability in private health sector in the United Arab Emirates. Literature review theme: 1. Impact of labour cost as an economic factor of business environment on business profitability in private healthcare sector in UAE (Narrowing approach will be used within this theme) 2. […]

Using FAME data base of UK companies, explore the relationship between company profitability, and its operating characteristics.

Using FAME data base of UK companies, explore the relationship between company profitability, and its operating characteristics. Description Relationship of company profitability looks at ROA or ROE and operating characteristics looks at leverage, liquidity, cost structure, turnover, size etc. The Analysis should be based on at least 30 companies and preferably cover a larger group […]

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