There are multiple ways we as a society select our trial and appellate judges. The methods differ from state to state. Which selection method do you believe is best? Defend your position.

Courts DB Answer the following questions. Answers should be at least 1 to 2 paragraphs in length. 1. Do you believe celebrities are treated differently in our system of justice? Why do you believe our system allows that to happen? 2. The two models in the court system are the crime control model and the […]

What limits, if any, should federal , state, and local governments impose on the use of “facial recognition technology” (FRT) by law enforcement?Explain

What limits, if any, should federal , state, and local governments impose on the use of “facial recognition technology” (FRT) by law enforcement? For instance, given FRT’s demonstrated accuracy problems – at least three people have been falsely arrested because of faulty FRT identifications- should any use of FRT by law enforcement be barred until […]

Prepare a paragraph for each of the three stages you discuss and a simple diagram 

Instructions Map (diagram) the criminal justice process stages from arrest through final appeal. You may use a simple flow chart or you may choose another type of chart to diagram. After diagramming, take three of the stages and explain them in detail. This assignment is worth fifteen percent of your final grade, so ensure you […]

Find a criminal case that involved an issue regarding the exclusionary rule which affected the outcome of the case.Discuss how the factor impacted the case and how the case would have been affected had this factor not been involved.

Find a criminal case that involved an issue regarding the exclusionary rule which affected the outcome of the case. Provide a brief description of the case and discuss how the factor impacted the case and how the case would have been affected had this factor not been involved. Conclude with thoughts as to what you […]

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