Create specific variables, code the variables correctly given the types of each variable, input data, and run descriptive statistics to demonstrate your ability to do these basic essentials of data entry, refinement, and analysis.

Basics of SPSS Overview In this short task you are going to log into SPSS, Create specific variables, code the variables correctly given the types of each variable, input data, and run descriptive statistics to demonstrate your ability to do these basic essentials of data entry, refinement, and analysis. You will submit your output and […]

Define the term bottleneck as it applies to data entry and identify and discuss at least two ways to insure there is sufficient capacity to handle data being captured.

Define the term bottleneck as it applies to data entry and identify and discuss at least two ways to insure there is sufficient capacity to handle data being captured. Requirements: * Your discussion should be approximately 200 words. * Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation are expected. * Provide your sources of information (references).

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