Advise Tom on his chances of recovering damages for the loss and injuries he has sustained.Explain and discuss the law that applies to the scenario in relation to Tom and advise on Tom’s chances of success if he were to bring an action AND against whom such an action should be brought.

Question 1 Lucy and Tom went to visit their friends Jason and Diane to see the new extension that Jason and Diane had been having built at the back of their house. It was a Sunday. Lucy and Tom took their young son, Robbie, with them. Robbie was 5 years old. The extension was not […]

Discuss what you think about an elderly adult’s right to die. Would your views change if the person was a younger adult or a child? What role does being terminally ill play in your views on a person’s right to die?

Who is dealing better with widowhood – men or women? Why do you think so? Reflect on this documentary from Japan: Watch this documentary and then answer questions. Whether others have the right to help people die rather than prolong life, and under what conditions, has been debated throughout history. Discuss what you think about […]

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