Using the four theoretical perspectives that provide social context for substance misuse, describe what could have been going on with your niece in relation to her family, friends and peer group, and neighborhood. Make sure you discuss all four theories.

Vignette: Your sister has come to you concerned because she just found out that her daughter has been using prescription drugs over the past year. Your sister found out from the school and when she confronted your niece this was the story given in response: Last year when your sister’s partner had back surgery there […]

Do you think that execution of minors violates the prohibition of “cruel and unusual punishment” found in the Eighth Amendment? Explain your rationale.

In the case of Roper v. Simmons, the U.S. Supreme Court was asked to address the constitutionality of sentencing a juvenile to death. Research and read the case law Discuss the key concepts from chapter 2 and 6 that apply to Christopher Simmons. For example, what are some of the developmental risk factors (chapter 2) […]

Discuss how temperament, attachment, and parenting practices affect socialization -Why a toddler’s mother working more than 30 hrs a week may negatively affect the child’s cognitive development

Write 3 paragraphs (only) to discuss ‘in your own words’ the following developmental issues in Toddlerhood: -The development of self-concept -Discuss how temperament, attachment, and parenting practices affect socialization -Why a toddler’s mother working more than 30 hrs a week may negatively affect the child’s cognitive development Use the following images from the textbook(Experience Human […]

Identify theories of social and cognitive development and how they relate to your understanding of Jessica’s current point of development.

ASSIGNMENT OUTLINE Length: A maximum of 1000 words will be read and graded (not include. reference list). Task: This assignment requires you to adopt a critical theoretical approach to the analysis of a developmental case study using your knowledge of lifespan developmental and core psychological theories in the form of a developmental case report. Preparation: […]

Compare and contrast the following Psychological approaches: Developmental, Cognitive and Behavioural. Choose one approach and apply it to your own experience.

The essay should present an in-depth background review of the three proposed psychological approaches: Developmental, Cognitive and Behavioural. In your discussion and for each approach you need to present the main theories and define the important figures. • Compare and contrast each approach and critically define your own personal opinions. You should incorporate any ethical […]

Explain three circumstances where a researcher would choose a longitudinal study over a cross-sectional study.

Explain three circumstances where a researcher would choose a longitudinal study over a cross-sectional study. Identify two advantages and two disadvantages of a longitudinal study and a cross-sectional study, giving examples of each. Then, provide a specific example of a question that could be addressed with a longitudinal study and explain why that developmental design […]

Determine which developmental phase might be most affected by this problem. Then, briefly explain why you believe this life stage would be affected.

First, choose from one of the following areas- Criminal Justice Reform. Be sure to include specific examples that illustrate the need for this social justice cause to be addressed by those in the social work profession. Expose the social and economic issues that appear to affect the selected population. Examine how this is a human […]

Evaluate the theory of emerging adulthood and discuss the criticisms of the theory.

Evaluate the theory of emerging adulthood and discuss the criticisms of the theory. Is the theory an accurate reflection of the experiences of 18 to 25-year-olds? Why or why not? Are there differences in risky behaviors and identity formation for emerging adults who are students and those who are not students? What other differences are […]

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