How is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez using Instagram in her role in the United States Congress? How is it effective and how might it be problematic?Explain

Digital Literacy Description This assignment involves completing online research and writing a mini research paper on your findings. In order to complete it successfully, you will need to choose a narrow, focused topic; research that topic; write a 1-2 page essay, Step 1: Choose a Topic Your first task is to pick a topic to […]

How will you use information and digital literacy in your place of work and future career (CO1)?

Description Part I: Reflection Reflect on your use of the Big6 Research Model (CO2). What step was the most challenging? How did you overcome the challenge? Using the steps in the Big 6 Research Model, consider your process of locating sources, categorizing, organizing, critiquing, and presenting information for the project. What worked well for you? […]

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