Choose a service user or carer group and critically discuss the following: What challenges does this group face in society and how can we promote ethical and value-based social work practice when working with them?Explain

Essay brief: Choose a service user or carer group and critically discuss the following: What challenges does this group face in society and how can we promote ethical and value-based social work practice when working with them? You will need to make explicit reference to social work values, drawn from the BASW Code of Ethics […]

Do you think that your article is a fair representation of the topic and the world of work today?Explain

Find an article that discusses one of the following topics in relation to the topics of careers: racism, discrimination, sexism, power, privilege, or oppression. This article does not have to be from a scholarly resource. Review and critique the article. Attach the article for everyone to read. Do you think that your article is a […]

Assess your critical thinking and information management skills. Design and implement a final creative project based upon your research and findings.

Discrimination in the workplace. Make it at least 10 paragraph Assess your critical thinking and information management skills. Design and implement a final creative project based upon your research and findings.

Select three factors from the list and write an essay as to how your attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors are affected positively or negatively by them in a personal and organizational context. Back up with the latest research available.

Attitudes, Perceptions, and Behaviors Description Perception is a subtle, personal view of one’s self in context with the environment. Much of our upbringing influences the way we see and observe things that affect our interpretation, meaning, and judgment. As training is developmental in nature, we can develop or shape our perception to be as objective, […]

Critically discuss why self-advocacy, peer advocacy, and citizen advocacy is good as opposed to professional advocacy for the elderly in the community.

TOPIC: Societal Views of Older Adult age 75 and above during Covid-19 outbreak. 1:1 INTRODUCTION Critically define the following Terms Using Social Model to critique the medical model of definitions: Elderly/Disabled: Vulnerable: Prejudice Discrimination Advocacy Advocate Power Empowerment Ageism, Stigma, Social Capital, Age Discrimination. 1:2 Advocacy: Critically discuss why self-advocacy, peer advocacy, and citizen advocacy […]

“Discrimination still exists in contemporary society.” Critically consider this statement, making reference to at least two of the protected characteristics in your discussion.

“Discrimination still exists in contemporary society.” Critically consider this statement, making reference to at least two of the protected characteristics in your discussion.

Does systemic discrimination in the workplace exists? If so, is discrimination in the workplace amplified during times of social unrest?Discuss

My research topic will focus on systemic discrimination (as it relates to race) or the perception of discrimination and how it effects the workplace during times of social unrest. When trying to figure out what my research topic would entail, the term discrimination would include gender, sexual orientation, and cultural/religious affiliation. I thought this would […]

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