Reflect on what behaviour is and utilise one of the theories of behaviour that you have been introduced to in the unit to date.

Early childhood teachers Early childhood teachers are usually clear of their work with children while they construct understandings of their world. However, when children behave in ways that upset us, we tend to do things to them, by delivering rewards and punishments. In other words, our practices for responding to children’s thoughtless behaviours are incompatible […]

Select one trait or disposition that you feel you have and describe how you meet this trait. What does this disposition mean to you? What behaviors and attitudes to you have that demonstrate this trait?

Reflection DropBox: Dispositions Self-Reflection Instructions A disposition is a habit, or tendency to act in a specific way. Early Childhood teachers need a set or professional dispositions to be successful. Review the Handout, Assessment of Dispositions, posted in this module rank yourself on each disposition. Then thinking about the article and the dispositions assessment write […]

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