What are some of the key symbols or metaphors in the poem, and how are they used to convey meaning to the reader? How do these elements enrich the poem and deepen your understanding of its themes?

Symbolism and Metaphor in Four Poets’ Work: Brooks, Dickinson, Frost, and Hughes Prompt: Choose a poem to analyze from this week’s assigned reading list (see below). We are reading and discussing the works of Gwendolyn Brooks, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and Langston Hughes. Create a written response of a paragraph or two of at least […]

Write about a magical place from your childhood or now.

Write a fully developed essay with a title, 4-5 body paragraphs with topic sentences that refers to our readings by comparing and contrasting your place and experiences with the readings. We are looking at narratives, particularly Trevor Noah’s excerpt “Soweto.” We also looked at Emily Dickinson’s “Hope is a Thing with Feathers.” Your essay should […]

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