Propose a relevant nursing practice problem for an evidence-based practice project. Explain why you selected this topic and how it is relevant to advance nursing practice.

Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal: Identification of Nursing Practice Problem. Part 1: Propose a relevant nursing practice problem for an evidence-based practice project. Explain why you selected this topic and how it is relevant to advance nursing practice. Include one research article that demonstrates support for the nursing practice problem.

Design a new two-page leaflet and provide accompanying notes to support your ideas in more detail.

Business communications TASK DESCRIPTION – Assignment 1 (50%) Assessment 1 – Advertising campaign (500 words maximum) 50% weighting After the Covid pandemic, life is slowly going back to normal. However, new cases are still occurring and as a result the UK government wants to encourage everyone to get vaccinated as quickly as possible. However not […]

Develop an outline where you have your introduction, the body made up of 3 to 5 points and a conclusion.

Description Write an organized essay that has both focus and shape. Here are the details: 1. Do some brainstorming, freewriting, reaction, etc. to come up with an essay topic. It could be a topic from your Reader Response in the last Unit, or it can be a whole different topic. 2. When you get a […]

Write a critical essay on Norman Mailer’s Armies of the Night to discuss how Mailer created characters or narrative identities and novelized the nonfiction historical event of the March on the Pentagon of 1967.

Critical Essay on Mailer’s Armies of the Night Write a critical essay on Norman Mailer’s Armies of the Night to discuss how Mailer created characters or narrative identities and novelized the nonfiction historical event of the March on the Pentagon of 1967.

Give one example of a data collection method used in one of the studies identified in your Week 5 project. What variable was this method used to measure?

Week 5: Measurement Strategies Description Give one example of a data collection method used in one of the studies identified in your Week 5 project. What variable was this method used to measure? Use the Nursing research to support the paper. Houser, J. (2018). Nursing research: Reading, using and creating evidence (4th ed.). Jones & […]

Using fundamental analysis, relevant investment theories and academic literature, write a 4000-word report giving advice to your client regarding investing in the UK.

Investment Management Description Assume you are an investment manager working for XYZ Investment Bank. Your client, a high net worth citizen wants to make a long-term £1m investment in the UK but needs expert advice before they can make their investment. The client is mainly interested in three UK subsectors: Automobiles & Parts, Banking and […]

Find two resources one published scholar should provide high quality and reliability.Provide links for both and a summary of both, and explain in a short statement your opinion about the quality of the resource.

Information Literacy and UAS Description Find two resources one published scholar should provide high quality and reliability. Your second source should come from an internet website where you have lower expectations of quality and reliability. Provide links for both and a summary of both, and explain in a short statement your opinion about the quality […]

Discuss and critically evaluate the use of ‘constraint-induced movement therapy’ and ‘mirror therapy’ for this patient including whether the interventions are likely to be appropriate / feasible (with justification) and, if so, how these would be incorporated as components of their rehabilitation

Physiotherapy You are working as a physiotherapist with a patient following a stroke presenting with unilateral upper limb weakness and associated hemiplegic shoulder pain. Discuss and critically evaluate the use of ‘constraint-induced movement therapy’ and ‘mirror therapy’ for this patient including whether the interventions are likely to be appropriate / feasible (with justification) and, if […]

To what degree where you able to develop effective search terms and search strategies? How did your search terms and search strategies evolve over the course of your research?

Presentation Discussion Instructions First Post Part 1 At the beginning of your post, list the following pieces of information in writing: Your approved research question from your Research Proposal and Background Research assignment (or your most recent approved research question if you revised it while doing in-depth research). Then, in a paragraph of approximately 150-200 words, or about 1-2 […]

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