Create a comprehensive poster that demonstrates application of foundational knowledge of health promotion theory, community models, epidemiological data, risk, and facilitators and barriers to change. Students will also describe screening or behavior change interventions that are supported by both epidemiological sources and evidence-based scientific literature.

Poster Project on Health Outcomes for Children between age 1 years old to 18 year olds children with Sickle Cell Disease. Students will identify a clinical screening protocol or behavioral change initiative and apply it to a targeted population. Students will create a comprehensive poster that demonstrates application of foundational knowledge of health promotion theory, […]

Design and create a respiratory care plan for a patient with Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency. Include in a critical review to include signs and symptoms, causes, epidemiological data, related disorders, diagnosis, treatment modalities, and respiratory manifestations.

Healthcare Institutional Needs Instructions: Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (A1AD or AATD) is a genetic disorder that may result in lung disease or liver disease. Onset of lung problems is typically between 20 and 50 years old. This may result in shortness of breath, wheezing, or an increased risk of lung infections. Design and create a respiratory […]

Select a disease from current events that is an emerging or reemerging concern to you or people in your area. Provide local epidemiological data for the disease.

Pick a disease for your pathophysiology paper. The disease must be for one of the organ systems covered this term listed in the syllabus. Select a disease from current events that is an emerging or reemerging concern to you or people in your area. Provide local epidemiological data for the disease. The paper must be […]

Write a research brief on a key child health or development issue of public health significance.

Topic: Child health or development issue of public health significance. Paper details: Write a research brief on a key child health or development issue of public health significance. (e.g. executive functioning, toxic environment, maternal depression, etc.) executive functioning, or maternal depression, Research the topic, reading and cite a minimum of 5-7 peer-reviewed articles on the […]

Propose a detailed budget and explain basic principles and tools of budget and resource management in the budget justification to carry-out the project.

It is an 8-page paper, single space Times New Roman 12-pt font about a public health issue. The issue I chose was water and food scarcity implementing change through the Health Behavior Model (HBM — susceptibility, severity, barriers, benefits, self-efficacy, and cues to action.). Some of my ideas for this change included water conservation, food […]

Select an article that focuses on a population health issue for your select population.Describe how this work could be helpful to APRNs or other members of the inter-professional team.

Select an article that focuses on a population health issue for your select population. The article needs to come from a peer-reviewed research journal. The purpose of the selected article needs to be: Providing background information on a health disparity in your select population. Providing epidemiological data on your select population with recommendations on addressing […]

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