Convert the following decimals to fractions. Do not reduce to lowest terms. LU 3-1(2) 3-18. .9 3-19. .71 3-20. .009 3-21. .0125 3-22. .609 3-23. .825 3-24. .9999 3-25. .7065.
Convert the following decimals to fractions. Do not reduce to lowest terms. LU 3-1(2) 3-18. .9 3-19. .71 3-20. .009 3-21. .0125 3-22. .609 3-23. .825 3-24. .9999 3-25. .7065 Convert the following to mixed numbers. Do not reduce to the lowest terms. LU 3-1(2) 3-26. 7.1 3-27. 28.48 3-28. 6.025 Write the decimal equivalent […]