Reflect on a decision that you made in the past, and apply what you have learned about decision making and the stakeholder model.

Reflect on a decision that you made in the past, and apply what you have learned about decision making and the stakeholder model. Then, respond to the following questions: Who were the stakeholders who were involved in that decision? How did your decision affect them? What were your ethical obligations to those stakeholders? Would you […]

Using one of the ethical issues that you posted in classroom discussions, illustrate for the CEO, how that issue would be resolved using Friedman’s perspective and how it would be resolved using the perspective of the Business Roundtable.

Business Obligations Instructions BMGT 496 – Project 2:  Business Obligations (30%) Purpose: In this project, you will discuss and analyze the arguments for and against Milton Friedman’s thesis that the only purpose of business is to make money. You will apply the arguments for and against to a specific ethical issue that you have previously […]

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