“The United Kingdom (UK) has left the European Union (EU) and will once again be free to make its own laws, post the Brexit Transition period. Some argue that the UK’s parliamentary sovereignty was indeed undermined by the EU and that the UK has finally got back its independence. It is likely that the UK will regret Brexit.” In relation to the above quote is this alleged new found independence real or just a façade?

TASK DESCRIPTION: Report BACKGROUND / INTRODUCTION You are therefore required to write a report based on the question provided. You will be assessed on your content, research / referencing, application of legal rules, analysis / application, and presentation skills. TASKS “The United Kingdom (UK) has left the European Union (EU) and will once again be […]

What is Intellectual Property (IP) and how does counterfeit merchandise impact the U.S. economy?Explain

Respond to the following short essay questions using researched material from outside the course. Address the following as they pertain to Intellectual Property: What is Intellectual Property (IP) and how does counterfeit merchandise impact the U.S. economy? What safety and health concerns are posed by counterfeit products? How does IP theft, especially from China, pose […]

Critically analyse an industry of your choice and identify the leading players, preferably in a specific country and evaluate the drivers, processes, systems, and strategies that this particular company is employing to foster disruption.

Disruptive Innovation Final Report Assignment Instruction Various sectors have been affected by disruption. The disruption manifests in several ways- but technology has been one but certainly NOT the only driver. Some of these have been from new disruptors in the market that have driven meaningful change. However, some incumbents have been at the forefront of […]

Discuss and evaluate the development of the principles of indirect effect, direct effect and state liability.Analyse the significance of these principles.

Task Part one Discuss and evaluate the development of the principles of indirect effect, direct effect and state liability. You should make reference to the key cases and analyse the significance of these principles. (1,500 words) Part two Write a reflection on how your key academic skills and substantive knowledge have developed during the course […]

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