Explain  the process by which Descartes uses skepticism to refute skepticism, and  how he concluded that whatever is clearly and distinctly perceived cannot be doubted.  Explain why this project was important for Descartes to accomplish in light of Mediation VI.

Goal: A deeper understanding of the chosen topic. Course Objective(s): CO1: Identify historical beginnings of philosophy and contemporary positions concerning the nature of knowledge and reality CO3: Distinguish the basic concepts of moral and political philosophy CO4: Evaluate arguments for and against the existence of God CO5: Evaluate various approaches to the mind-body problem Task: […]

What is a Cosmological Argument? And is it enough to prove the existence of God? Explain

What is a Cosmological Argument? And is it enough to prove the existence of God? To be argumentative, and preferably use these sources: https://www.qcc.cuny.edu/socialsciences/ppecorino/intro_text/Chapter%203%20Religion/Cosmological.htm https://scroll.in/article/885802/why-the-existence-of-god-cannot-be-proved-or-disproved-in-a-way-acceptable-to-everyone https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zpxpr82/revision/5 We know that the existence of God has been an ongoing debate for quite some time, many have tried to find the answers to our questions about the world, […]

Explain, in detail, how you acquired these beliefs , why these beliefs are important and how these beliefs will influence how you engage with people and policies in your future career.

Week 2 Assignment: Analysis of Personal Beliefs and Biases Who are you? What do you believe? What cognitive biases do you have? These are big questions to answer, but necessary to consider before moving forward in your professional life. In a one- to two-page paper, consider the people and experiences that have shaped how you […]

Why is it common to assume a connection between religion and the existence of God on the one hand, and morality and the existence of moral facts on the other?Explain

Morality and religion. We looked at three assumptions connecting morality and religion. Why is it common to assume a connection between religion and the existence of God on the one hand, and morality and the existence of moral facts on the other? Which assumption(s) about this supposed connection is most compelling? What are the most […]

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