What is the difference between real and nominal interest rates? Explain the concept of Interest Rate Determination in the light of the Loanable Fund Theory.

Which act/s in the US Banking Sector supports the lifeline banking service? Explain the different services that are covered under Lifeline Banking for low-income people. What are the different non-deposit sources of funds for banks? Explain the risks for the banks especially associated with non-deposit sources of funds. What is the difference between real and […]

What are the federal laws applicable to the Bank Fraud and the possible penalties applicable in this case?

For this assignment follow the specific scenario below and then provide a 4-5 page Memo using MS Words Memorandum template to Executive Management concerning the response to the 3 questions being asked. Scenario: The scenario presented to your forensics team will be related to a financial crime and fraud perpetrated against a financial institution called […]

Locate a demonstration of Dark Web access on YouTube or a similar site. Be sure to include the link to the video you watched with your experience and knowledge gained from it and description. After you have viewed the video, reflect on what you have seen.

Plan an attack describing how you would obtain credentials from the dark web and plot a fraud attack with techniques to evade detection aimed at a financial institution with advanced detection capabilities. Assume unexpected hurdles are encountered with new threat defenses. Plot what those defenses may entail and how you would attempt to defeat them. […]

Use the compound interest formula:  where r is the interest rate as a decimal, n is the number of times it is compounded in the time frame, t is the amount of time, and P is the starting value. Calculate your balance if you invest $1,000 for 1 year.

Financial Report Worksheet   Directions: Complete the financial report worksheet to help you with your calculations to create the APA report. 1. Go to your financial institution’s website or a local financial institution’s website and find the interest rate and compounding frequency (monthly, quarterly, annually, and so on) for a savings account. Record that here: […]

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