Identify and describe the global market forces, risks, development chain, supply chain, and strategies from one of the following perspectives. Supplier, Manufacturer

This week we reviewed global logistics, risk management, and the product and supply chains. Identify and describe the global market forces, risks, development chain, supply chain, and strategies from one of the following perspectives. Supplier, Manufacturer Retailer Customer Decision Maker 750 – 1,000 words (3 – 4 pages) written essay APA format required (including title […]

Produce a presentation, in the Pecha Kucha 20×20 style.Submit the presentation, with audio of yourself talking over it as it runs, plus a set of presenter notes in the PowerPoint ‘notes’ area.

Description Module: Supply Network Design and Global Logistics Assignment 2: Presentation – Pecha Kucha Presentation with Notes (30%) Length: Presentation length: 20 slides, each with 20 seconds of audio recording Presenter notes: 500 words in the PowerPoint ‘notes’ area Submission date: Refer to the Assignments tab for details. In this assessment you will be required […]

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