Demonstrate a basic knowledge of concepts and issues in the subjects within Social Sciences, Global Studies and Law. Explain and articulate key concepts and issues relating to Social Sciences, Global Studies and Law through both written and verbal means.

DISCUSSION QUESTION Assessment Topic Using specific examples, discuss to what extent international law is failing to regulate the global superpower countries, such as the USA, China and Russia. Students may wish to refer to the use of a banned nerve agent in Salisbury by Russia, Trump’s Syria strike, the British invasion of Iraq or China’s […]

Explain what light this particular point or theme sheds on what is going on in the world today.

Having read one chapter from Introduction to Global Studies for this Module, identify one theme or point that strikes you as particularly important. Then: 1. Explain why you think this is a particularly important point or theme AND 2. Explain what light this particular point or theme sheds on what is going on in the […]

What does scripture say about those who have never heard and/or accepted the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ? What clear direction does God give to His followers regarding their role in sharing this gospel (good news)?Discuss

Topic: Missionary Purpose in the New Testament Paper details: What does scripture say about those who have never heard and/or accepted the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ? What clear direction does God give to His followers regarding their role in sharing this gospel (good news)? Make sure to consider John 10:9-10, John 14:6, Romans […]

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