Equivocation Where do we see equivocation in Macbeth and other works we read?Discuss

Equivocation Where do we see equivocation in Macbeth and other works we read? This question is based off of the doorman’s speech in Macbeth act 2 scene 3, where the doorman talks about how people guilty of “equivocation”will go to hell. Equivocation is the intentional use of ambiguity, whether by a speaker or a listener, […]

Do you believe that a jury or judge would be more likely to decide the case based only on the facts, and not be influenced by emotions?Explain

Description The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides the right to a jury trial in criminal prosecutions. If the case proceeds to trial, the defendant makes the decision of whether he or she wants a trial by jury or a bench trial (in which a judge decides whether the defendant is guilty or not […]

Explore examples of others who have chosen to stand up for a cause or those who have felt guilty for their reluctance to act.

Read the selections “My Guilt” by Maya Angelou and the autobiographical account of the life of Frederick Douglass. The poem written by Angelou reflects her guilt for not standing up for what she deems is a just cause, particularly the issue of Civil Rights. (Maya Angelou was a contemporary writer). Douglass gives his first-person account, […]

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