Do the schools in your area have a school health nurse assigned? If not, how are health care needs within the school district managed? What are ways in your area schools in which health promotion and management of existing health problems are addressed?

Investigate how school health is delivered within your local school system. You can look at one specific school or an entire school district. Do the schools in your area have a school health nurse assigned? If not, how are health care needs within the school district managed? What are ways in your area schools in […]

What assessment for all fitness components would you use? List at least 5 corrective movements based on the client’s musculoskeletal issues.

Reiterate some of the client’s main issues. Think about weight, body composition, strength, mobility, or cardiovascular issues. What validated fitness assessments are relevant to the client’s goal? Think about this holistically. You don’t want to just assess areas where the client has serious issues. What assessment for all fitness components would you use? List at […]

Select a public health problem or condition from a community of interest that is supported by data.Analyze the risk factors based on the results of a needs assessment and other supporting data.

Epidemiological Research Designing an intervention can be challenging, as it is important to gather information about the selected topic and community of interest. Selecting a research topic is critical, especially when there are so many topics that seem important to study. A community needs assessment is a great way to begin creating an intervention, by […]

Identify the target child’s age and what areas are being assessed?

Overview: In this assignment, you will be using what you have learned in this unit by planning a fun play activity for young children that might also give a ‘heads up’ in assessing for one or more of the health problems or disorders such as issues in vision, hearing, speech and language, or motor ability. […]

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