Determine whether your favorite brand has a stated “brand promise.” If so, what is it? If not, identify one from another company of your choice. Remember the brand promise is usually different than a tagline or slogan.

Introduce yourself to your peers. Where are you from? What is your educational and/or professional background? What are your hobbies or interests? • Share your initial thoughts on what brand means to you. How do brands impact your spending decisions? • Choose one of your favorite brands from an industry such as e-commerce, automobiles, shopping, […]

Name, address, age, religion, political beliefs, place of birth, pets, hobbies, number of children, type of car they drive, or any other information you think you can obtain. Write your findings in either a list or in paragraph form.

Conduct your own social engineering experiments. 1) While at a restaurant, convenience store, bank, place of business, or any shopping location, ask you waiter or waitress, bartender, server, sales clerk, or cashier personal questions about their family or their interests.How much information are you able to obtain about this person you do not know? Name, […]

How did you hear about and become interested in an opportunity as a Chick-fil-A franchised Operator?Explain

What are your hobbies, activities, and special interests? List and briefly describe your current membership and involvement in community, civic, social, and/or professional organizations. 4,000 character limit for each question How did you hear about and become interested in an opportunity as a Chick-fil-A franchised Operator? Highlight your accomplishments that you believe are the most […]

Draw twenty personal symbols or icons:What are personal symbols / icons?

For this assignment, you are going to draw twenty personal symbols or icons. What are personal symbols / icons? Well, they are symbols of things that represent you. Think about your hobbies, career goals, favorite teams or sports, favorite foods, best friends, family members, places you’ve visited or hope to visit someday. All those can […]

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