Identify and discuss 2-3 moments in the film that illustrate the gendered production of space on Pandora. Make sure you include examples from both the human and Na’vi societies.

Your job is to first watch the film Avatar Students must then post a minimum of THREE paragraphs up to a maximum of FOUR in response to one or two of the discussion questions posted below. NOTE WELL: Three paragraphs is the minimum to pass. You will not be able to make an A if […]

Explore theoretical and methodological issues; connect the week’s reading to reading done in earlier weeks; identify critical gaps  in the readings.

Kevin Bruyneel, Settler Memory: The Disavowal of Indigeneity and The Politics of Race in the United States try to summarize the argument of the book in the first two paragraphs. After the first two paragraphs, your response paper should be a mixture of analysis and summary. Use your response to raise questions; explore theoretical and […]

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