Choose an influential public figure working in America from the mid-19th century to the present.:Discuss how this figure may have influenced challenges and/or opportunities for the United States as a global power.

Instructions This course has introduced and assessed many noteworthy figures related to the continuing evolution of the United States and its place within the world during the last 170 years. For this assignment, you will develop a PowerPoint presentation based on your Unit V Outline. The presentation should be appropriate for an audience; in other […]

Choose an influential public figure from the mid-19th century to the present.Why and how is this figure important today?Discuss

Instructions This course has introduced and assessed many noteworthy figures related to the continuing buildup of the United States and its place within the world and globalization during the last 170 years. For this assignment, you will choose an influential public figure from the mid-19th century to the present. Your selection may be taken from […]

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