Nursing Evolution: Meeting AACN Essentials for Comprehensive Patient-Centered Care

Introduction As I reflect on my nursing education journey, I am grateful for the comprehensive curriculum that has enabled me to develop proficiency in each of the AACN Essentials. These competencies have become integral to my nursing practice and have equipped me to deliver safe, patient-centered care. The incorporation of evidence-based practice, teamwork, quality improvement, […]

Is there any theoretical models or frameworks you refer to as a resource to support best practice as it pertains to information technology?

Interview with Informatics Nurse or Technology Specialist Interview a master or doctoral prepared informatics nurse specialist or technology specialist. Summarize the interview, in the attached template, by addressing the following: Introduction of the interviewee including job title, years of experience along with employment and educational background. 1. What brought you into the field of informatics […]

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