What is Intellectual Property (IP) and how does counterfeit merchandise impact the U.S. economy?Explain

Respond to the following short essay questions using researched material from outside the course. Address the following as they pertain to Intellectual Property: What is Intellectual Property (IP) and how does counterfeit merchandise impact the U.S. economy? What safety and health concerns are posed by counterfeit products? How does IP theft, especially from China, pose […]

Discuss and propose security policies to protect their data and resources in view of their existing risk assessment.

Develop a Security Policy Description You are an ICT Security and Risk consultant and you have been approached by Globex Corp to help them recover from a cyber attack. You have successfully isolated the machines affected by the attack and brought the company’s system back into operation. You have now completed a risk assessment for […]

Critically discuss the advantages of registered trade mark protection compared to reliance on the common law of passing off and identify signs which Saul should consider registering as trade marks in the context of his illusion kit business.

Intellectual Property Law ALL Questions: (a), (b) and (c) Saul Spaniels is the stage name of a Blackpool – based illusionist, who is famous throughout the UK due to his prime-time television appearances in the 1990s. He coined the catchphrase: “Escape reality and enjoy the illusion”. Since retiring as a performer, Saul has been creating […]

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