Consider an organizational change that that has social/cultural implications. Provide an evaluation of the change initiative,What is the rationale presented for the change?

Change rationales Description Consider an organizational change that that has social/cultural implications. Provide an evaluation of the change initiative, and then respond to the following questions: What is the rationale presented for the change? What are the internal and external pressures considered in the change? To what extent are single versus multiple rationales utilized?

Compare the two company analyses to each other and offer your perspective (value judgment) of the effectiveness of the changes made to date in each case.

Determining the Change (Milestone 2) Select a diagnostic model that you can utilize to review aspects of change activities and actions that have been taken by the companies chosen. For this analysis, we are looking at the parts of the companies as well as their strategies, as surmised by your earlier research. It is acknowledged […]

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