Consider a couple of things in your writing. What did you learn from the film? What did you already know? What new aspect of government did you observe? Did this change any of your perspectives? Give a few unique and detailed examples of information you felt was useful once you viewed the film.

Movie review Select one of the following movies to review and write a review on. These are graded extremely intensely, as I am aware that you can google the details. Each of these will provide insight into different areas of government and politics that we may not have time to fully cover within this course. […]

Reflect on a section, word, quote, or phrase that strikes you as interesting or provocative. In the style of a personal journal, write a reaction to or reflection of this film. Is any of this new information to you?

View the film Iron Jawed Angels Here are some links about the film: Reflect on a section, word, quote, or phrase that strikes you as interesting or provocative. In the style of a personal journal, write a reaction to or reflection of this film. Is any of this new information to you? How […]

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