Given what you read in Hahn Tapper this week, how do you think the practice of tefillin developed from what we read in Deuteronomy to what we see today? How would you explain the difference between the Torah’s instructions and today’s practices to your friends and family?

Messiahs & Laws Engaging a Text Look closely at the labels on this sample page of Talmud. What does the content of the page suggest about the practice of reading the Talmud? About the Talmud itself? Then, select three of the texts or interpreters mentioned in numbers 7) through 17) and research their dates and […]

Did you rehearse some important points made during the conversation so that it would “stick” with them after you parted ways? Explain.

Witnessing Report Assignment Instructions Overview This being a course in personal evangelism, it is only natural that we seek to practice what we study. Ultimately, the only way to learn how to witness is to do it! Therefore, you are required to share your faith with in at least 3 separate encounters with at least […]

Do you think Servant Evangelism is a helpful approach to evangelism? If not, why not? If yes, explain how you see Servant Evangelism being part of your approach to evangelism heading forward.

Servant Evangelism Report Overview Based on the material presented in this course, plan and participate in at least 2 servant evangelism projects, with 2 different people during the current semester. At least one or both of these should be completed outside of the church setting or church events. Whenever possible, intentionally seek to reach into your […]

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