Compare & Contrast at least two characters. How are they alike? How are they different? Are their personalities the same or different? How are they important to the story?

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume 1st Paragraph : Introduce your book. Give the title and the name of the author. Write about the setting (where the story takes place, usually time and place). Introduce the characters in the story. Use lots of adjectives to describe each character and their personality. What […]

Write an essay in which you compare and contrast representations of masculinity in at least two of the required texts, and discuss the significance of similarities and difference.

Description Write an essay in which you compare and contrast representations of masculinity in at least two (2) of the required texts, and discuss the significance of similarities and difference. The two books are Judy Blume: Then Again, Maybe I Won’t(Simon &Schuste) and The Hunger Games Suzanne Collin.

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