Explain in your own words Kant’s so–called “Copernican revolution of the mind.” In what way, if any, does Kant’s Copernican model of the mind support a synthesis of rationalism and empiricism? Do you tend to agree with Kant’s approach? Why or why not?Explain.

Explain in your own words Kant’s so–called “Copernican revolution of the mind.” In what way, if any, does Kant’s Copernican model of the mind support a synthesis of rationalism and empiricism? Do you tend to agree with Kant’s approach? Why or why not?.

According to Kant, why is breaking a promise or lying immoral? Do you agree with his reasoning? Why or why not? Can you imagine a case where one ought to lie or break a promise? Explain.

Critical thinking/Ethics Description To answer these topics completely, it takes a minimum of 350 words. According to Kant, why is breaking a promise or lying immoral? Do you agree with his reasoning? Why or why not? Can you imagine a case where one ought to lie or break a promise? Explain.

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