Critically analyze the differences between leadership and management development and apply a range of approaches for identifying individual, group and organizational needs across varying global contexts.

Leadership and Management Development Description 1)Select a global organization of your choice. – Critically examine how international LMD (leadership and management development) can help managers and leaders develop a global mind-set. – Debate different competences that an international leader/manager would require e.g. cultural sensitivity, global mind-set, language skills, awareness of own culture, working in intercultural […]

Identify and justify the key features and underpinning learning strategy of your proposed programme. Explain how you would evaluate the programme’s effectiveness.

You are the Corporate Learning and Organisational Development Manager of a global Pharmaceutical Company engaged in the development, manufacture and distribution of generic pharmaceuticals with commercial markets in the USA, Europe and Asia. The company is expanding into emerging markets and to sustain its rapid growth the organisation has recognised the need for strong leadership […]

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