Critically evaluate the impact of altitude exposure on athletic performance.

• For this assessment you are required to critically evaluate the impact of altitude exposure on athletic performance. In addition, you are to design an appropriate training/pre acclimatisation strategy for an endurance athlete who will be competing in the Everest Marathon in Nepal, where the race is held at an elevation of 17,000 ft. • […]

Submit a brief timeline of the events that took place during the Boston Marathon Bombing. Include 5-10 major events during the bombing and pursuit/apprehension of the suspects.

Submit a brief timeline of the events that took place during the Boston Marathon Bombing. Include 5-10 major events during the bombing and pursuit/apprehension of the suspects. This should include Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Dias Kadyrbayev, and Azamat Tazhayakov.

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