Pick one of the four stages Erikson describes. Note which age group and describe how staff may or may not be interacting correctly with the child. If they are interacting correctly, how do you think they arrived at this conclusion for behavior?

Early Childhood Education director credentials class 1- After having reviewed the information about Piaget, look at the PA Early Learning Standards for Preschool under the domain of Mathematical Thinking and Expression. How does Standard 2.3 PK.A.2. reflect Piaget’s theories? What activities would illustrate your response? After having read and viewed the information on Vygotsky’s theories, […]

Describe how to generate questions for students while addressing a variety of levels and capabilities of mathematical thinking in an inclusion setting. Explain your choices.

Topics Through your field experiences in this program, what strategies have you observed that have hindered or helped students to generate meaningful questions that develop their mathematical thinking? How will these observations affect your future practice? Describe how to generate questions for students while addressing a variety of levels and capabilities of mathematical thinking in […]

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