What role do you think cultural hierarchies and cultural capital play in media consumption, the creation of fan identities, and fannish textual production? How might the notions of toxic fans, destructive fans, and fandom as pathology either support or challenge your belief? Would John Fiske agree or disagree with your position? Why or why not?

Each essay should be roughly 750 – 1000 words; contain a short introductory paragraph; a thesis statement; parenthetical in-text citations; a Work Cited page, and should be in proper MLA format . Terms in bold should be defined and explained. Meaning, don’t just copy and paste the definition of a term. You must explain what […]

Describe the psychological effects of excessive media consumption on the mental health of middle-class teenage girls in Western society.

Psychological effects of excessive media consumption Describe the psychological effects of excessive media consumption on the mental health of middle-class teenage girls in Western society.

Is prenatal testing important?Does media purported to make your baby smarter really work?Explain

Imagine you are a new parent. Welcome to some sleepless nights of trying to get your baby to sleep a few consolidated hours, feed every few, and get a few hours of rest of your own, while trying to do everything right by your newborn. For some new parents, with a smartphone at their bedside, […]

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