Explore theoretical and methodological issues; connect the week’s reading to reading done in earlier weeks; identify critical gaps  in the readings.

Kevin Bruyneel, Settler Memory: The Disavowal of Indigeneity and The Politics of Race in the United States try to summarize the argument of the book in the first two paragraphs. After the first two paragraphs, your response paper should be a mixture of analysis and summary. Use your response to raise questions; explore theoretical and […]

Write the following portions of your research paper: Introduction, Method, References, Appendix. Make sure you follow the APA guidelines for a professional paper.

In addition to the 1 – 2 articles used to validate your survey, you will need to find a minimum of FOUR additional articles that provide sufficient background to justify your research study. Thus, you will have a minimum of 5 – 6 articles discussed in your Introduction and included in your References for this […]

Critique an article reporting on an evaluation from any academic journal or agency technical report that are accessible.

Critical Review Paper Description The assessment will be a critical review of an evaluation implemented. Select the evaluation using academic journals. The critique of the evaluation should be prepared in the following format: a. A brief description of the article/ evaluation and its focus and findings; b. Identification of the key evaluation questions addressed; c. […]

For as long as people have been interested in studying the social world around them, observation has served as a bedrock source for human knowledge. Outline what you consider the essential features of observation, discussing the methodological issues, strengths and weaknesses in its practice.

For as long as people have been interested in studying the social world around them, observation has served as a bedrock source for human knowledge. Outline what you consider the essential features of observation, discussing the methodological issues, strengths and weaknesses in its practice.

From what you know of social psychology, or other pertinent psychology topics, why might this study have been important?Explain

Read this and answer questions http://www.wadsworth.com/psychology_d/templates/student_resources/0155060678_rathus/ps/ps18.html 1. Briefly describe the problem (or research question), the hypothesis, the procedure (participants, methods) and results of the study. 2. Do you see any potential problems with this study, i.e., methodological issues, ethical concerns, etc.? 3. Do you agree with the authors’ conclusions? Are there other factors we should […]

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