Choose two characters, settings, or situations from two poems. Choose poems by two different authors.Compose a 500-word comparison or contrast essay.

DIRECTIONS: Choose two characters, settings, or situations from two poems. Choose poems by two DIFFERENT authors. Title: My Last Duchess Author: Robert Browning Title: To his coy mistress Author: Andrew Marvell Compose a 500-word comparison or contrast essay. Do not show similarities and differences; rather, show how two characters, settings, or situations are either alike […]

Choose one of the poems listed above and brainstorm ways in which the theme or character(s) is developed through one of the 4 critical approaches listed.

In a well-organized paragraph, apply one of the following critical approaches – mythological/archetypal, moral/philosophical, feminist or psychoanalytical – to the analysis of theme or character in either “Porphyria’s Lover” or “My Last Duchess”. Instructions: • Choose one of the poems listed above and brainstorm ways in which the theme or character(s) is developed through one […]

Discuss gender issues as they appear in two course texts. How is marriage represented?Explain

1.What particular insights do such marginalized characters offer? Consider this question in relation to two course texts. 2. Discuss the function of memory in two course texts. 3. Discuss gender issues as they appear in two course texts. How is marriage represented? What are the power imbalances between male and female voices or characters? Consider […]

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