Safe use facilities are described as a public health approach to the problem of illicit drug use; based on this video, what do you suppose that means?Explain

Watch the below-linked video and answer all three questions in 2-3 sentences. 1. Safe use facilities are described as a public health approach to the problem of illicit drug use; based on this video, what do you suppose that means? 2. The video cites compelling evidence of the success of these facilities in terms of […]

After reading the Garland and Winship articles, do you agree or disagree with the integration or recognition of religion and social work?Discuss

Description Religion Should we consider or discuss faith, spirituality, or religion with clients? After reading the Garland and Winship articles, do you agree or disagree with the integration or recognition of religion and social work? The Social Work Today article provides some reasons why social workers are not discussing religion. Are the given reasons ethical? […]

How important is the Americans with Disabilities Act?Explain

Description Disability After reading the required readings for this week, answer the following questions by referencing specific information from the article(s) and/ or NASW Code of Ethics. Be sure to respond to two of your peers. How important is the Americans with Disabilities Act? What are appropriate ways to communicate sensitively with people with disabilities? […]

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