Paleolithic and Neolithic Periods that meet one of these requirements. What types of art work or materials would not likely survive? How might this affect our opinion of a culture?Discuss

Include the four reasons Getlein cites for how art survives, giving an example of art work from both the Paleolithic and Neolithic Periods that meet one of these requirements. What types of art work or materials would not likely survive? How might this affect our opinion of a culture?

Write a 3-5 page paper in which you explore the various ways in which cultural influences spread in the ancient world during the period 3500-500 BCE. Drawing on the societies and peoples we’ve studied, cite one or two specific examples that illustrate each mode of diffusion.

The prompt: Write a 3-5 page paper in which you explore the various ways in which cultural influences spread in the ancient world during the period 3500-500 BCE. Drawing on the societies and peoples we’ve studied, cite one or two specific examples that illustrate each mode of diffusion. In each case note the societies involved, the […]

Large scale farming from Neolithic times:How would agriculture be today if Neolithic revolution never happened?Would men still be living in caves today in the event there was no Neolithic revolution?Discuss

Central Focus Narrative: Big Idea 1: Large scale farming from Neolithic times Big Idea 2: Shelter construction concept from Neolithic era Essential Question 1: How would agriculture be today if Neolithic revolution never happened? Essential Question 2: Would men still be living in caves today in the event there was no Neolithic revolution? Essential Question […]

What are the differences between paleolithic and neolithic technologies and why do historians and archaeologists think that life was harder after the paleolithic societies transitioned to neolithic societies?

Discussion question: What are the differences between paleolithic and neolithic technologies and why do historians and archaeologists think that life was harder after the paleolithic societies transitioned to neolithic societies? Post at least 200 words in response to the topic questions provided, discussing the history of at least one technology covered in the unit as […]

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