Identify and briefly describe each chemical step required to create each neurotransmitter.

Starting with the precursor substance tyrosine, draw three diagrams showing how the various enzymes convert this substance to serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. Identify and briefly describe each chemical step required to create each neurotransmitter. Your diagrams must be hand-drawn. Scan your diagrams and submit them as an attachment of an image file or PDF. Follow […]

Which neurotransmitter is widely believed to play the most critical role in the pathology of Parkinson’s disease (PD)? How is this disease currently treated and what is a limitation the most common treatments?

The question(s) are provided to help with summarizing the article. But remember to always first clearly and completely define the topic and supporting information. State a prominent research issue, and provide a statement of a position or direction to discuss in the body of the summary. The body of the summary may provide support for […]

What are the differences between voltage-gated and ligand-ion channels? What functions do they have in the brain?

Instructions Briefly answer the following questions and submit your response. 1.What is a neurotransmitter? 2.How are neurotransmitters secreted into the synaptic cleft? 3.How does a neurotransmitter cause an action potential in a receiving neuron? 4.How is the signal between neurons stopped? 5.Briefly describe the Signal Transduction Cascade— what is the function of this process and […]

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