According to neoclassical theory of distribution what happens to the real wages of skilled workers? Explain and support your answer with ONE labour market diagram for the skilled workers.

Question 1 (20 points) – Topic 1 The following table provides the economic data for an economy. Year 2019 2020 2021 Price Quantity Price Quantity Price Quantity Good 1 32 80 36 120 34 110 Good 2 11 150 13 160 15 180 Good 3 43 40 44 50 50 60 Good 4 51 160 […]

Calculate the average growth rate across the ten years selected. How does that growth rate compare to our long run average growth rate of about 3%?

Visit the Bureau of Economic Analysis Web site, (Links to an external site.), and access the BEA interactively by selecting: Under “Principal Federal Economic Indicators,” select “Gross Domestic Product” and then Select the orange button, “Explore Product View” Scroll down and select “Interactive Data, then GDP and the National Income and Product Account (NIPA) Historical Tables.” […]

Suppose spending on the market basket in the base year (2005) is $7 trillion and spending in 2021 is $14 trillion. Calculate the inflation rate.

Show and explain your work 1. (20 points) Nominal GDP GDP Deflator Year (tlillions 5) (base year 2005) 2020 $15 2002 $10 92 a. Calculate the growth rate of nominal GDP between 2002 and 2020. You may use the formula 100 x over an N-year period and then a calculator on the web, but make […]

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