IWhen does Henry Levine’s speech consist of primarily cognitive content? When is it primarily emotive?Explaindentify soundness, bias, and reliability in statements.

Evaluating for Soundness, Bias, and Reliability In this assignment, you will identify soundness, bias, and reliability in statements. Step 1: Consider the scenario: You are a speechwriter for the mayor of Oakland. This is an election year and already the mayor’s opposition is out in force. Henry Levine, the leading GOP candidate, recently aired an […]

What evidence would you want to see taking place 18 months from now in Oakland for these families for the program to be determined a success in your opinion?

https://www.oaklandca.gov/news/2021/mayor-schaaf-announces-guaranteed-income-pilot-oakland-resilient-families In response to the article above: Summarize the program in one- two well written paragraphs: What questions do you still have about the program after reading the press release? (Minimum of three) What evidence would you want to see taking place 18 months from now in Oakland for these families for the program to […]

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