Using the case study and biochemical data, explain your differential diagnosis in this patient and what causes this condition. In your answer,  explain the further tests required to differentiate between different forms of this endocrine condition.

Nandita has been diagnosed with osteomalacia. The results from recent blood tests are given below. Analyte                                       Patient result                Reference range                 Units Serum adjusted Ca                               2.0                            2.1 – 2.6                           mmol/L […]

Use the meaning of your chosen word and apply it in a sentence. Make sure the sentence makes sense. Exocrine glands play an integral part of secreting substances out of the body.

Vocabulary Self-Assessment Chart: Deep Knowledge Words – Assignment Galen College of Nursing Textbook: Understanding Anatomy & Physiology Chapter: 17 Pages: 82-86 Learning Outcomes: ___________________________________________________ Vocabulary Knowledge Ratings, Dates Definition Evidence (Original sentence using your own words) Progress Associative: New to me/general sense Comprehensive: General sense in reading, listening Generative: I can write and talk with […]

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