Describe the normal anatomy of the respiratory system that would be affected by asthma. Explain the process of normal inspiration and expiration and relate it to Boyle’s Law.

Paper details: Evaluation Title: Respiratory Case Study The respiratory system is responsible for making sure that the cells of the body have adequate oxygen in order to function as well as it is responsible for removing the cellular waste product carbon dioxide. If a disease process is present that affects the functioning of this system, […]

Considering relevant pathophysiology, discuss Maria’s acute management and nursing care in the first 24 hours after admission.

Maria Carr is a 67-year-old retired teacher. She has been admitted to the accident and emergency (A&E) department with left sided arm and facial weakness, which started an hour ago. While in A&E an emergency CT scan was performed and confirms the diagnosis of an ischaemic stroke. As Maria had been in A&E less than […]

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